Delegations of Authority

Please use the table below to view the different Delegations of Authority.

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Number Title Authority Granted To Date Redelegated To Redelegation DateRedelegated To Redelegation Date
CHA0088 Department Chair Appointment, Reappointment and Removal Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 07 / 23 / 2018Cannot be Redelegated Further 07 / 23 / 2018   
CHA0087 Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus (California Penal Code Section 626) Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
10 / 24 / 2017      
CHA0086 Step III Reviewer under Academic Personnel Manual 140-33(b)(1) and 140-80(d)(4); Approval of Local Procedures and Appointment of Grievance Liaison under Academic Personnel Manual 140-6 Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost 05 / 30 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 05 / 30 / 2017   
CHA0084 Approval of Annual Student Services Fee Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs 05 / 08 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 05 / 08 / 2017   
CHA0082 Establish and Issue Guidelines and Procedures for Instituting Corrective Action and Dismissal of Non-Senate Academic Appointees and Grant Extensions under Academic Personnel Manual 150 Vice Provost-Academic Personnel 05 / 04 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 05 / 04 / 2017   
CHA0081 Execute Certification Checklist for Major Capital Improvements Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration 04 / 02 / 2016Assistant Vice Chancellor-Campus Architect 11 / 30 / 2018Cannot be Redelegated Further 11 / 30 / 2018
CHA0080 New Appointment Involving Lecturers with Security of Employment (LSOE) and Potential Security of Employment (PSOE) Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Provost-Academic Personnel
03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0079 Approval of Honoraria Associate Chancellors
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
University Librarian
Vice Chancellors
Vice Provosts
03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0078 New Faculty Appointments Involving Tenured Positions Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0077 New Faculty Appointments Involving Non-Tenured Positions Deans
Vice Provost-Academic Personnel
03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0076 Faculty Merit Decisions Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0075 Approving of Approval Expenses and Exceptions to Policy Governing Reimbursement of Removal Expenses Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 01 / 28 / 2015Deans 01 / 29 / 2015Cannot be Redelegated Further 06 / 01 / 2018
CHA0074 ASUCR Consultation and Reporting Responsibilities Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs 01 / 01 / 2012Cannot be Redelegated Further 01 / 01 / 2012   
CHA0072 Exceptions to Policy Governing Gifts Presented to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University Associate Chancellors 12 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further 12 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0071 Exceptions to Policy Governing Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts Associate Chancellors 12 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further 12 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0070 Approve Exceptions on Payments of Moving Expenses for Staff Employees Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further 10 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0068 Delegation of Authority: Appointment of Near Relatives Associate Vice Chancellor-Computing & Communications
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Vice Chancellors
Vice Provosts
09 / 26 / 2011Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0067 Approve Routine and Exceptional Travel and Entertainment Expenditures Associate Chancellors 08 / 08 / 2016Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0066 Approve Exceptions to Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions Associate Vice Chancellor-Computing & Communications
Associate Vice Chancellor-Enrollment Services
Dean, Bourns College of Engineering
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Dean, College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
Dean, Graduate Division
Dean, Graduate School of Education
Dean, School of Business
Dean, School of Medicine
Dean, School of Public Policy
Dean, University Extension
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
University Librarian
Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services
Vice Chancellor-Health, Well-being, and Safety
Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration
Vice Chancellor-Research & Economic Development
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor-University Advancement
Vice Provost-Undergraduate Education
11 / 20 / 2023Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0065 Protection of Human and Animal Subjects in Research Vice Chancellor-Research & Economic Development 11 / 01 / 2006Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0064 Approve Exceptions to Requirement to submit proposals and receive awards for grants and contracts through the University Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost  Cannot be Redelegated Further  Cannot be Redelegated Further  
CHA0063 Controlled Substances Program Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Chief Procurement Officer,
Executive Director, EH&S
10 / 05 / 2018,
10 / 05 / 2018
Cannot be Redelegated Further 10 / 05 / 2018
CHA0062 Approve Exceptions to Entertainment Policy - Athletics Associate Chancellors 07 / 01 / 2009Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0061 Reemployment of UC Retired Employees Into Staff Positions Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0060 Additional Compensation Vice Provost-Undergraduate Education  Cannot be Redelegated Further     
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