Delegations of Authority

Please use the table below to view the different Delegations of Authority.

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Number Title Authority Granted To Date Redelegated To Redelegation DateRedelegated To Redelegation Date
DA0856 Agreements Pertaining to Purchase of Utilities Commodities and Services Chancellor 01 / 14 / 1985Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0554 University Approval of Liquor Licenses for Campus Facilities Chancellor 01 / 10 / 1977Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0415 Found and Unclaimed Property Chancellor 07 / 02 / 1973Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Chief of Police,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Business and Administrative Services
05 / 15 / 2015,
05 / 15 / 2015
DA0303 Authority to Adopt Traffic Regulations Chancellor 07 / 14 / 1971Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0071 Exceptions to Policy Governing Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts Associate Chancellors 12 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further 12 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0074 ASUCR Consultation and Reporting Responsibilities Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs 01 / 01 / 2012Cannot be Redelegated Further 01 / 01 / 2012   
CHA0070 Approve Exceptions on Payments of Moving Expenses for Staff Employees Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further 10 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0072 Exceptions to Policy Governing Gifts Presented to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University Associate Chancellors 12 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further 12 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0075 Approving of Approval Expenses and Exceptions to Policy Governing Reimbursement of Removal Expenses Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 01 / 28 / 2015Deans 01 / 29 / 2015Cannot be Redelegated Further 06 / 01 / 2018
DA0666 Expenditures Against Firm Commitments Under Contracts and Grants Chancellor 04 / 14 / 1980Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA2588 To Solicit and Accept Gifts Chancellor 05 / 04 / 2015Dean, School of Medicine 05 / 15 / 2015   
VCBAS001 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Facilities Compliance Oversight Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 07 / 26 / 1990Inspection & Quality Assurance Manager,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Architects & Engineers
07 / 01 / 2016,
11 / 19 / 2015
Cannot be Redelegated Further 11 / 19 / 2015
DA2595 To Approve Settlements of Claims and Separation Agreements With a Value of $100,000 or Less and Voluntary Separation Program Agreements of Less Than $50,000 Chancellor 03 / 11 / 2016Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor,
Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services,
Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration
03 / 15 / 2016,
03 / 15 / 2016,
03 / 15 / 2016
Cannot be Redelegated Further 03 / 15 / 2016
DA2195 To Write Off Disallowed Sponsored Project Charges Chancellor 07 / 07 / 2008Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration 10 / 01 / 2014   
VCBAS002 ePay Approval of Routine Requests Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 03 / 22 / 2012Financial Operations Officer 07 / 17 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 07 / 17 / 2017
VCBAS003 Approve Routine Travel and Entertainment Expenditures Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Financial Operations Officer 07 / 17 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 07 / 17 / 2017
DA0782 To File Actions in Small Claims Courts Chancellor 04 / 08 / 1983Director, Student Business Services 01 / 05 / 1988   
VCBAS004 Organizational Approval of Capital Program Management System Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 12 / 06 / 2011Financial Operations Officer 07 / 17 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 07 / 17 / 2017
VCBAS005 Approve Exceptional Cost Transfer Requests Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Financial Operations Officer 07 / 18 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 07 / 19 / 2017
DAIE01 Acceptance of Equity in Technology Licensing Transactions Chancellor 06 / 15 / 2017Vice Chancellor-Research & Economic Development 08 / 11 / 2017   
DAAA01 Approve Exceptional Faculty Recruitment Allowances up to $150,000 under the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program (APM - 190 Appendix E) Chancellor 08 / 09 / 2017Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 08 / 11 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 08 / 11 / 2017
DA0865 Policy to Permit Use of the Unofficial Seal Chancellor 05 / 03 / 1985Vice Chancellor-University Advancement,
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
08 / 19 / 1991,
08 / 19 / 1991
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA2626 Third-Party Agreements, University Vanpool Programs Chancellor 08 / 14 / 2018Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 08 / 17 / 2018   
CHA0063 Controlled Substances Program Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Chief Procurement Officer,
Executive Director, EH&S
10 / 05 / 2018,
10 / 05 / 2018
Cannot be Redelegated Further 10 / 05 / 2018
DAPEVC001 Administration of University Patent and Other Intellectual Property Matters, Riverside Campus Chancellor 12 / 11 / 2013Vice Chancellor-Research & Economic Development 11 / 27 / 2018Director, Technology Commercialization,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Office Technology Partnerships
11 / 30 / 2018,
11 / 30 / 2018
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