Delegations of Authority

Please use the table below to view the different Delegations of Authority.

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Number Title Authority Granted To Date Redelegated To Redelegation DateRedelegated To Redelegation Date
DA0856 Agreements Pertaining to Purchase of Utilities Commodities and Services Chancellor 01 / 14 / 1985Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0707 Allocation of Electric Power from Federal Power Systems, to Make Applications for Chancellor 08 / 03 / 1981      
DA0782 To File Actions in Small Claims Courts Chancellor 04 / 08 / 1983Director, Student Business Services 01 / 05 / 1988   
DA2055 Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of Indebtedness Chancellor 03 / 28 / 1996Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration 10 / 01 / 2014   
DA2075 Classification Authority for PSS and MSP Positions Chancellor 08 / 01 / 1996Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997   
DA2085 Establishment of Catastrophic Leave Sharing Program Chancellor 06 / 12 / 1997Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997   
DA0415 Found and Unclaimed Property Chancellor 07 / 02 / 1973Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Chief of Police,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Business and Administrative Services
05 / 15 / 2015,
05 / 15 / 2015
DA2170 Center for Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (CNN), Phase III, Riverside Campus Chancellor 10 / 31 / 2006      
DA2203 Compensation Contracts for Coaches Chancellor 02 / 14 / 2014      
DA2107 Approval of Waiver of Subrogation Rights, National Aeronautic and Space Administration Chancellor 02 / 24 / 1999Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance,
Contracts & Grants Officers,
Subaward Monitoring Coordinator
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA2106 To Enter Into Written Agreements with Local Law Enforcement Agencies Consistent with California Education Code Section 67381 Chancellor 12 / 02 / 1998Vice Chancellor-Health, Well-being, and Safety 10 / 08 / 2024   
DA2100 Authority to Execute Purchase Contracts, Subcontracts and Standard Purchase Orders for Materials, Goods and Services to be Supplied to the University Chancellor  University Librarian,
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance,
Director, Intellectual Property Services,
Contracts & Grants Officers,
Subaward Monitoring Coordinator,
Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration
08 / 02 / 1995,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
10 / 01 / 2014
Associate Vice Chancellor-Business & Financial Services,
Vice Provost-International Affairs,
Chief Procurement Officer
08 / 20 / 2018,
11 / 01 / 2017,
08 / 20 / 2018
DA2098 To Approve Exceptions to the Eligibility Requirements Under the Salary Differential Housing Allowance Program Chancellor 05 / 20 / 1998      
DA2096 Execution of Certifications of Application for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Chancellor 02 / 17 / 1998      
DA2087 Appointments, Promotions, Dismissals, and Compensation of Certain Staff Personnel Chancellor  Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Vice Chancellor Finance & Business Operations,
Vice Chancellors,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer
10 / 09 / 1997,
10 / 09 / 1997,
10 / 09 / 1997,
10 / 09 / 1997,
10 / 09 / 1997
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0777 Policy Regarding Employee-Vendor Relationships Chancellor 03 / 25 / 1983      
DA2073 Exceptions to Staff Policy 40.D.2, Compensation for Holiday Work Chancellor 08 / 01 / 1996Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997   
DA2112 To Designate Holders of Presidential Chairs Chancellor 06 / 18 / 1999Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost 12 / 17 / 1999   
DA0644 Conferral of Degrees in Course Chancellor 02 / 22 / 1980      
DA0303 Authority to Adopt Traffic Regulations Chancellor 07 / 14 / 1971Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014   
DA0499 Guidelines Governing Summer Sessions Operations Chancellor 03 / 14 / 1975      
DA2155 Center For Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, Riverside Campus Chancellor 08 / 15 / 2005      
GSOE0002 Authority To Initiate and Approve Staff Actions (per Policy) Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (CFAO) 10 / 23 / 2008Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CNAS0001 Authority to Approve Entertainment and Travel Expenses (Per Policy) Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (CFAO)        
UNEX0001 Authority to Approve Entertainment Expenses (Per Policy) Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (CFAO)  Cannot be Redelegated Further     
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