Delegations of Authority

Please use the table below to view the different Delegations of Authority.

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Number Title Authority Granted To Date Redelegated To Redelegation DateRedelegated To Redelegation Date
CHA0081 Execute Certification Checklist for Major Capital Improvements Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration 04 / 02 / 2016Assistant Vice Chancellor-Campus Architect 11 / 30 / 2018Cannot be Redelegated Further 11 / 30 / 2018
DA1058 Execution of Agreements Chancellor 12 / 30 / 1991Vice Chancellor-Planning, Budget & Administration,
Vice Chancellor-Research & Economic Development,
Vice Chancellor-University Advancement,
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs,
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences,
Dean, Graduate School of Education,
Dean, University Extension,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Enrollment Services,
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020
Associate Vice Chancellor-Business & Financial Services,
Chief Procurement Officer,
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, Student Affairs,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Dean of Students,
Assistant Dean, Student Life,
Assistant Vice Chancellor-Health, Counseling & Wellness,
Director, HUB,
Assistant Dean/CFAO, CHASS,
Executive Director of UCR ARTS
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 28 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020,
07 / 29 / 2020
DA2096 Execution of Certifications of Application for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Chancellor 02 / 17 / 1998      
DA0666 Expenditures Against Firm Commitments Under Contracts and Grants Chancellor 04 / 14 / 1980Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
CHA0091 Faculty Discipline and Related Duties Vice Provost-Administrative Resolution 07 / 19 / 2016      
CHA0076 Faculty Merit Decisions Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 03 / 15 / 2016      
DA0415 Found and Unclaimed Property Chancellor 07 / 02 / 1973Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Chief of Police,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Business and Administrative Services
05 / 15 / 2015,
05 / 15 / 2015
DA2206 Gifts To An Agency Approval And Reporting Requirements Chancellor 07 / 02 / 2008      
CHA0046 Granting Administrative Leave for Natural or Other Emergencies Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0047 Granting Permission for Lawful Possession of a Firearm on University Property Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014      
DA0499 Guidelines Governing Summer Sessions Operations Chancellor 03 / 14 / 1975      
CHA0024 Implementing Guidelines for Reappointment under VERIP Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost 04 / 15 / 1994Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0055 Independent Consulting Agreements Dean, School of Medicine
Vice Chancellor-Health Affairs
Vice Provost-Undergraduate Education
09 / 28 / 2012      
DA2053 Liability Statement, Transportation Research Board-National Research Council Chancellor 01 / 19 / 1996Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance,
Contracts & Grants Officers,
Subaward Monitoring Coordinator
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0131 Licenses for Radioactive Materials Chancellor 11 / 23 / 1966Radiation Safety Officer 04 / 14 / 2004Cannot be Redelegated Further  
CHA0096 NAGPRA Repatriation Coordinator Repatriation Coordinator 05 / 23 / 2023      
CHA0080 New Appointment Involving Lecturers with Security of Employment (LSOE) and Potential Security of Employment (PSOE) Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Provost-Academic Personnel
03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0077 New Faculty Appointments Involving Non-Tenured Positions Deans
Vice Provost-Academic Personnel
03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0078 New Faculty Appointments Involving Tenured Positions Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 03 / 15 / 2016      
CHA0029 Operation of Departmental Storerooms Department Chairs, Directors & Managers 02 / 25 / 1974      
VCBAS004 Organizational Approval of Capital Program Management System Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 12 / 06 / 2011Financial Operations Officer 07 / 17 / 2017Cannot be Redelegated Further 07 / 17 / 2017
DA2581 Payments for Teaching University Extension Courses for Certain Level Two Senior Management Group Employees Chancellor 04 / 15 / 2014      
DA0777 Policy Regarding Employee-Vendor Relationships Chancellor 03 / 25 / 1983      
DA2002 Policy on Naming University Properties, Programs, and Facilities Chancellor 12 / 17 / 2013Cannot be Redelegated Further     
DA0864 Policy to Permit Use of the University's Name Chancellor 05 / 03 / 1985Vice Chancellor-University Advancement 04 / 21 / 2020Cannot be Redelegated Further  
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