Delegations of Authority

Please use the table below to view the different Delegations of Authority.

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Number Title Authority Granted To Date Redelegated To Redelegation DateRedelegated To Redelegation Date
DA0644 Conferral of Degrees in Course Chancellor 02 / 22 / 1980      
DA0707 Allocation of Electric Power from Federal Power Systems, to Make Applications for Chancellor 08 / 03 / 1981      
DA0303 Authority to Adopt Traffic Regulations Chancellor 07 / 14 / 1971Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014   
DA0499 Guidelines Governing Summer Sessions Operations Chancellor 03 / 14 / 1975      
DA0554 University Approval of Liquor Licenses for Campus Facilities Chancellor 01 / 10 / 1977Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0666 Expenditures Against Firm Commitments Under Contracts and Grants Chancellor 04 / 14 / 1980Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
DA0693 Solicitation and Acceptance or Execution of Extramural Grants and Contracts for Construction of Facilities Chancellor 04 / 07 / 1981Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
CHA0034 University Support Groups Vice Chancellor-University Advancement 03 / 06 / 1995Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0035 Appointments in the Professional Research Series Director, UC Mexus 04 / 17 / 1995      
DA2053 Liability Statement, Transportation Research Board-National Research Council Chancellor 01 / 19 / 1996Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance,
Contracts & Grants Officers,
Subaward Monitoring Coordinator
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
CHA0099 Endowed Chair Appointments and Reappointments Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor 06 / 12 / 2023Deans 07 / 10 / 2023   
DA2075 Classification Authority for PSS and MSP Positions Chancellor 08 / 01 / 1996Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997   
CHA0045 Designate Departments and Department Heads per Staff Policy 60.C Associate Vice Chancellors
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellors
10 / 09 / 1997      
CHA0040 Authorize the Use of Vacation Leave Before Accrued Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997      
CHA0044 Approve Exceptions Beyond 30-Day Annual Sick Leave Limit for Family Care Associate Vice Chancellors
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Vice Chancellors
11 / 30 / 1997Cannot be Redelegated Further 11 / 30 / 1997   
VCSS0002 Approval of Travel Expenses Assistant Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs 09 / 19 / 1996Cannot be Redelegated Further     
VCSS0001 Authority to Approve Entertainment Expenses (per Policy) Assistant Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs 09 / 19 / 1996Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0031 Authority to Appoint and Approve Merits for Postgraduate Research Titles Dean, Anderson Graduate School of Management
Dean, Bourns College of Engineering
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Dean, College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
Dean, Graduate School of Education
02 / 05 / 1993      
CHA0039 Authority to Designate Positions as Critical Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997      
DA2106 To Enter Into Written Agreements with Local Law Enforcement Agencies Consistent with California Education Code Section 67381 Chancellor 12 / 02 / 1998Vice Chancellor-Business & Administrative Services 10 / 01 / 2014   
CHA0042 To Designate Office(s) of Record Associate Vice Chancellor-Chief Human Resources Officer 10 / 09 / 1997      
DA2107 Approval of Waiver of Subrogation Rights, National Aeronautic and Space Administration Chancellor 02 / 24 / 1999Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,
Associate Vice Chancellor-Research and Compliance,
Contracts & Grants Officers,
Subaward Monitoring Coordinator
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006,
11 / 01 / 2006
Cannot be Redelegated Further  
CHA0008 Authority to Approve Use of Privately Owned Aircraft for Official University Travel Dean, Anderson Graduate School of Management
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Dean, College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
Dean, Graduate Division
Dean, Graduate School of Education
Dean, University Extension
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Vice Chancellor-Administration
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor-University Advancement
06 / 02 / 1988Cannot be Redelegated Further     
CHA0026 Travel to Scholarly Meetings on 19900 Funds Chancellor 10 / 24 / 1980      
CHA0027 Reimbursement of Moving Expenses for Transferring UC Staff Employees Associate Chancellors
Department Chairs, Directors & Managers
Provost & Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs
Vice Chancellors
07 / 31 / 2007      
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